Tutorial 05


Personal Screenshot from My Unity Hub

For this weeks tutorial I had to learn how to control my camera automatically without code so that my camera would automatically always follow Ruby. I learned that there was two types of camera modes within the game during this tutorial, perspective and orthographic. I also added in some bounds to make sure the camera didn't show anything outside of my map using the cinemachine confiner.

I also had to add in some smoke effects using particles for the enemies (robots). I was also shown how to make the particles fade the further they got away from the robot enemies. 

I found this week a little easier than previous weeks as there wasn't too many new components that we had to add into the game and we mostly just focused on two things during this weeks tutorial. I found the camera task the easiest one this week and it took me a little longer with adding in the smoke effects.

I really enjoyed the tutorial this week as I didn't find it as difficult as the previous two weeks.


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