Feedback Strategies
Source The first article that I read was " Be a mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset ". In this article they talk a lot about how giving feedback in a certain way can encourage kids to develop a growth mindset. One of the feedback strategies that they mention that I agree with is to be specific when giving feedback. When I was growing up in school, most of the time when being given feedback I really needed the teachers to spell it out for me so I knew specifically what to work on, I didn't enjoy when they were too broad with their answers because then I would panic and not know where to start with improving my work, which would then lead me to procrastinate because I didn't know where to start, I would have rather them tell me exactly what I needed to work on so I could get on with it faster. I don't mean tell me what to change to make it right, but more specific ways to go around my work so I could learn and improve. The second article that...