
Showing posts with the label feedback

Feedback Strategies

Source The first article that I read was " Be a mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Fosters a Growth Mindset ". In this article they talk a lot about how giving feedback in a certain way can encourage kids to develop a growth mindset. One of the feedback strategies that they mention that I agree with is to be specific when giving feedback. When I was growing up in school, most of the time when being given feedback I really needed the teachers to spell it out for me so I knew specifically what to work on, I didn't enjoy when they were too broad with their answers because then I would panic and not know where to start with improving my work, which would then lead me to procrastinate because I didn't know where to start, I would have rather them tell me exactly what I needed to work on so I could get on with it faster. I don't mean tell me what to change to make it right, but more specific ways to go around my work so I could learn and improve. The second article that...

Feedback Thoughts

                                                                           Source Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life Article Link When I first read this article I was a little confused on how it corresponded to dealing with negative feedback, but I realised with creative projects, you're never going to get it right the first time so that negative feedback is essential. You follow steps and processes to make a creative masterpiece, or somewhat close to one so negative feedback is encouraged to help you make your project the best that it can be.  "If you are not making mistakes, you're not taking enough risks." Debbie Millman When we make mistakes we are making something new, and most importantly we are learning in the process, we are also challenging ourselves we make mistakes because we'...