
Showing posts with the label week 19

Tutorial 06

Personal Screenshot from Unity Hub For this weeks Unity tutorial I had to add a health bar on to the screen of the game, to do this I had to develop a user interface into the game.  To start I had to create a canvas for the health bar by making a rectangle shape and then adding in an image into the space and also used the masking tool to show when he health declines when she's hit. In the second part of the tutorial we had to add in world interactions into the game and also some ray casting, which made the world look a little bit more natural and added in things like shadows to the characters for when they're in different lighting. We also cleaned up our scripts a little bit and just took out some of the code that wasn't needed at this stage.  I found some parts of this week's tutorial quite difficult but I got there in the end. I'm not too sure what else we can add to the game but I look forward to finishing it soon.