Tutorial 01

Personal Screenshot From My Unity Hub

This week in Unity I tried out making a 2D Game for the first time. I found it a bit difficult getting back in to Unity after the break over Christmas, and even harder trying to learn something new, but I eventually got it done. I found it a lot easier doing Unity while on call with other people because we were able to help each other if we had any difficulties. I had a lot of difficulties last year with Unity and didn't find myself enjoying it so I was a little apprehensive coming into this semester and having to use it again, but I found making a 2D game wasn't as hard as making the 3D one. I didn't find this weeks task too difficult, I was just making little small mistakes along the way, but they were all easily fixed. I hope coming into the next few weeks that I'm able to get back into the groove of Unity and find it easier each week. I will definitely keep doing Unity each week on call with some of my classmates because I felt like I was able to get a lot more done faster when we were able to help each other throughout the process. 



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