Week 9 Reading and Writing


After nine weeks of doing reading assignments and writing blog posts on articles I had been reading or videos I had been watching, I think they were very useful to me and I've learned a lot. Each week the readings would cover a different topic within game design, something I had never looked into before, and would give me a greater insight into the world of gaming and the world of creating games.

If I had to pick a favourite reading, I would say either the Games MDA readings or the GDD readings as both were probably the most effective when learning about creating games and were probably most helpful when it came to start creating my own game. Before reading these pieces, I would've never known what either were, I think the Games MDA reading helped me get a better understanding of the framework when it came to creating games and it also helped me know what aspects were most important and least important when it came to creating a game. The GDD readings were probably of most use because we had to create our own and these articles were really helpful in explaining why we use design documents and also how to create a good one.

With these readings, I've learned how to read a lot faster and also how to pick out the most important parts of the readings and summarise them in my blog posts. A lot of the time when reading long articles, and having to keep going back to them, you have to keep searching for the key parts but having the blog posts there, with summarised versions, really helped save time when I wanted to go back and read that key information.

I'm happy with my idea for my game project, It's something that I think I will enjoy making and also something that is not too hard to make for my first game. At the start I had no idea what to do, every idea I came up with seemed too intricate to make for a beginner but after doing some research and doing all of the readings each week I was able to come up with something simple yet fun.

I think that my biggest accomplishment in this class would be learning about and using Unity. In the beginning I had no idea what Unity was, and no idea how to use it or create within in. When I done the first Unity tutorial, I had the initial thought that I would never get the hang of it and I would struggle each week with the tutorials, but after the first three or four weeks, I was getting the hang of it and I was able to get through the tutorials a lot faster than when I first started. Now at week 9, I'm enjoying doing the tutorials and they have helped massively when it coming to creating my own game, a lot of the content covered in the tutorials are things that I will be able to use within my own game and that has helped out a whole lot.

Personal photo from my Unity Hub

This is my favourite image from all of my previous blog posts because it was my favourite Unity tutorial to do. This Unity tutorial was the most enjoyable for me because I found myself getting through it faster than all of the others ones and it also had a lot of elements in it that I will be able to use in my own game, so it was the most fun Unity tutorial for me but also the most beneficial.

I think that we've only touched on the basics of game creating and there is a lot more than we can learn, so in order to get more out the reading and writing experiences, we should delve a bit more into the ins and outs of creating games and the best ways to do that.

My experiences in this module have been a whirlwind, but week by week I have been learning more and trying out new experiences, I can't wait to complete my game and be able to have something at the end to show what I have learned throughout all of this.




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