Unity Tutorial 07


Source: Personal screenshot from my Unity Hub

This week's unity tutorial was probably one of my favourites so far. I found this tutorial very easy and completed it faster than in previous weeks. The tutorials, as always, were very easy to follow along with and I enjoy having the videos there to be able to rewind if I make any mistakes. I learned a lot of new skills within Unity this week that we haven't previously used like fending off an enemy, having powerups and also being able to move the camera with the keyboard.

I will definitely use a lot of these tutorials to help when making my own game. A lot of the things that I want to add into my game have been shown to us over the weeks in these Unity Tutorials. From this tutorial I will definitely use the powerup option as I plan to have something similar within my game, maybe like a coin or a fuel tank for the car, so this week's tutorial definitely will be of use to me when I am creating my game.

I am really enjoying all of these tutorials over the weeks, at the beginning I wasn't comfortable with Unity at all, but now after following along with these tutorials I a confident within the app and find myself completing the tasks faster and faster each week.


  1. hello Rachel,
    so I can see that you are working on your unity tutorial And how it's becoming one of your favourite games So what you are doing as I was reading now on Twitter as well, is that you are finding it or is very easy how you are following the videos and it's easy to rewind the mistakes sky I will also be kind of using my videos to help me with unity as well I'll pick a specific tutorial to help me so this kind of gave me any idea of what to do with mine and how I'm gonna follow along.


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