Unity Tutorial 06

Source: Personal screenshot from my Unity Hub

This weeks Unity tutorial was all about cleaning up and polishing and adding in little elements to the game we had been working on for the past few weeks and I really enjoyed this tutorial as a whole. I learned a lot of new things in the past few weeks, like how to have a background or object repeat in a scene when a character is running, also how to add music and sounds effects to the game which was a lot easier that I thought it would have been.

All of these things that the Unity tutorials are teaching me will really help when it comes to creating my own game very soon. I will definitely be using sound effects and music in my game so this was one of the biggest helps so far.

These tutorials have helped me feel a lot more confident in some aspects I was expecting to struggle with when I start creating my game so it has taken a lot of weight off my shoulders and hopefully when I start with my game I won't struggle as much, but even if I do I can always look back on these tutorials for help.



  1. Hey Rachael,
    Im glad you enjoyed this weeks tutorials, I found it super useful. You're so right this tutorial is all about cleaning up. I describe it applying the "bells and whistles".
    These tutorials are definitely gonna help when it comes to creating and applying code to your own game. The more tutorials you do the you gain knowledge and confidence with unity.

  2. Heey Rach,
    So I think you are following the game of infinite running and I used to play a law when I was a child when I had my first fall there is an infinite run on yeah you do need to have background and an object repeat for the scene you need a character the main character to play with so you are looking to add music and sound effect for your game which would be more grabbing attention and magnetic I am also looking on how to add sound effects to my game and hopefully the tutorials will help you.


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