Review Week Comments

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been leaving comments on my classmates blogs and receiving them back, giving feedback on each others ideas and trying to give a different perspective to help out. 

I think that this was such a great idea because it helped with coming up with better ideas for my project, boosting confidence when you would get positive feedback and also just generally helping me get to know my classmates that I usually wouldn't interact with a bit better. I think that the comments I received really helped me out this semester if I felt like I was struggling a bit with game ideas or if I just needed general feedback on what I was doing. The comments I found most useful were the ones that gave me different perspectives from people on my ideas I had for my game. At the start, when brainstorming for out game, we had to come up with a couple of ideas and then write a blog post with these ideas and have our classmates comment on that post on which one they had thought was the best idea for the game. The comments on that blog post were probably most useful to me because I was struggling with picking an idea and being able to get different perspectives from people really helped. Also getting some ideas from people helped me when it came to deciding what different elements I wanted within my game, my classmates were quick to give constructive criticism to help me with making my game the best it can possibly be.

I enjoyed being able to give feedback to my classmates and seeing all of their different ideas too while reading through their blogs each week. I liked being able to give my opinion and thoughts on their ideas to be able to help them out with giving a different perspective on ways they could go about their game and small little details that are simple but could make their games that bit better.

I think that I was able to get to know my classmates a lot better from reading their blogs. I got to read all of their introductions and know a lot more about them. I got to know things about them that you wouldn't bring up in a casual conversation and also reading their game ideas helped me get to know things that they enjoy, what genre of game they would like to make and got a bit of insight into their creativeness with their ideas. 

I was happy with my introduction post, I feel like it really helped give people a good insight to who I was and things that I enjoyed. I'm also happy with all of my blog posts so far, they've helped me with different things, if I needed a quick summary on something I was just able to go back to that certain blog post and read over it, instead of having to go back and find the article I had read and then read through it and find the information I was looking for, the blog posts have helped save time when going back over work. I also think people will be able to see what kind of creativity I have and things I enjoy throughout my blog posts.

I think everything is great the way it is at the moment, the feedback I have been getting has been overall positive and really helpful and I hope that the feedback I have been giving has been the same for everyone else.



  1. Hi Rachael.

    Loved your post. I feel the same when it comes to brainstorming. I often get confused but love the guidance that I get in the comments. I agree with you on the introduction posts, it helps students to get to know each other. I've gotten feedback from you in blogs and they're really helpful. I hope my comments have been just as effective.



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